WordPress upgraded

I got around last night to upgrading WordPress last night to version 2.3.

I survived a mild scare when Vitor Pereira contacted me to say the blog was giving errors! It turned out the tagging plugin I had installed wasn’t compatible with the new version. As I hadn’t bothered reading the upgrade instructions, plugins weren’t disabled! Deleting the plugin got things back on track, and things appear to be working smoothly. I do need to reapply the CSS changes I had made.

Tags are now managed natively with WordPress 2.3 and includes some nice functionality to migrate from other tagging solutions. This worked nicely without any issues, and I have included a tagcloud in the sidebar. This has caused me a housekeeping task to sort out all those currently tagged “uncategorised”! I’ll get there!

I have also added the ShareThis plugin. Not sure whether I like it or not yet, I’ll leave it for a while and see whether it adds any value to the blog.

As always, comments are welcome, let me know if you spot any glitches!

Many thanks to Vitor for his help when I messed up!

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2 responses to “WordPress upgraded”

  1. Simon,
    Thanks for installing the new ShareThis button! Your site looks great by the way. Let me know if you have any feedback for us.

    Founder & CEO, ShareThis

  2. Hey Tim, thanks for stopping by! Will do.

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