Twitter Updates for 2008-03-11


  • @ssheppard @GrahamChastney @SteveRichards Whats with Reading today!? Had the pleasure of a visit while I was back at Xmas, oh how I miss it! #
  • busy day, but jumped into ttodays Lotus Sales Talk call looks busy! #
  • first up is Notes 8.0.1 #
  • @stuartmcintyre try 0 800 181 9023 #
  • talking about Ubuntu support, limited availability for 8.0.1, to be fully supported for 8.5, yeah! #
  • next up IBM Lotus Protector, security and compliance for Domino #
  • @stuartmcintyre good question, didn’t hear anything specifically #
  • now what I’m dying to hear about in more detail, Project Atlantic, SAP Business Suite via Lotus Notes client! #
  • Project Atlantic looks very exciting, can see it bringing lots of new opportunities to tie the two environments together #
  • now looking at futures for Notes Domino 8.5 #

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