Tag: lotusnotes
Oh the irony!
This caught my eye via google alerts, emphasis is mine. In a perfect world, all email clients would render our designs the way we intended it to be. Seeing as how browser compatibility for the web is still some way off, email client standardization would be eons away from reaching display nirvana. Together with Outlook…
Want Lotus Notes on the iPhone?
Then promote the idea and sign the petition. Dear Mr. Jobs, We love the iPhone. But we are frustrated that you have focused your attention for Enterprise customers on Microsoft shops, while effectively snubbing IBM Lotus technologies, who remains a strong player with over 40% of the global messaging market. Maybe of us already support…
SwiftFile 4.0 for IBM Lotus Notes 8.0
I found this gem over at dominobaloney There are people who love mail folders and people who hate them. Nowadays using folders is the “old” way to organize e-mail messages: put this memo here, that one there, and so on. Right, as in real life… I’m trying to love Notes mail folders, and I must…