
  • links for 2009-03-27

    Integrating CA (formerly Netegrity) SiteMinder 6.0 with IBM® Lotus® Connections 2.0 (tags: Lotus IBM connections Integration CA Netegrity SiteMinder SSO)

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-03-27

    good morning tweeps! Apparently its Friday already!? So can anyone tell me where the week went!? # Ubuntu Jaunty beta makes it out the door Must resist trying the beta, not long to the full release! (via @Scobleizer) # RT @frogpond: checking out Xmind #mindmapping #ubuntu < looks good! # @stroker ’twas a…

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-03-26

    morning tweeps, late raising the twitterscope this morning! # @vsmith1 thats because I’m being noisy elsewhere! 😉 in reply to vsmith1 # Powered by Twitter Tools.

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-03-25

    Feeling like I didn’t actually leave work yesterday, you know, when one day rolls into the next! Mornin’ Tweeps! # @SilkCharm broadband here in Spain is comparatively slow, and expensive! I’m on 3Mbs for 40€/mth 🙁 in reply to SilkCharm # RT @TomRaftery: RT @damienmulley: To my non-Irish Twitter followers. The Irish Govt just censored…

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-03-24

    buenos dias! rather chilly in my office this morning, after the heating/AC was left unplugged last night…. Brrrr!! # @TomRaftery ¡feliz cumpleaños Tomás! in reply to TomRaftery # @ccwharris thx for the reminder on the need for café! Machine in this building borked, sounds like and excuse to take a wander! 🙂 in reply to…

  • links for 2009-03-23

    50 ways to impress your geeky linux friends – 50 ways to increase your Linux knowledge and help you along the way to true geekdom. (tags: linux ubuntu howto tips geek)