Twitter Updates for 2010-07-14
@NigelBarron If that means what I think it does, big congrats dude! in reply to NigelBarron # about to shutdown and install the corporate Win7 image. Wish me luck and see you on the other side # @delboycarter I'm too poor to buy a Mac and will do anything to get off XP! in reply…
Twitter Updates for 2010-07-12
@vsmith1 no idea to tell the truth in reply to vsmith1 # Powered by Twitter Tools
Twitter Updates for 2010-07-07
could somebody please tell me where I put my car keys! thanks awfully! # @thinkscientist #ESP is going to beat #GER I have nothing more to say in reply to thinkscientist # Powered by Twitter Tools
Twitter Updates for 2010-07-06
RT @CaliLewis: I just found out about the @baconmayo account. Totally following! < a must for my bacon-loving friend @cflanagan !! # Powered by Twitter Tools
Twitter Updates for 2010-07-02
@jdanielsalas cuidado, tu blackberry te va a echar de menos!
in reply to jdanielsalas # @Kell_Weddings looking forward to having you three + bump over! just leave any bad weather behind!! in reply to Kell_Weddings # fighting the IBM partnerworld website with @ibotamino # @TomRaftery ¡que suerte! enjoy, and don't forget the sun cream!…
Twitter Updates for 2010-07-01
@benkiker very dapper sir! (as one might say back home!) # Powered by Twitter Tools