
  • Twitter Updates for 2010-07-23

    @Yorkie71 glad to hear the upgrade went well! in reply to Yorkie71 # @Yorkie71 I just replaced names.nsf with my backed-up copy which gave me back all my old config in reply to Yorkie71 # it appears rehearsals for this weekend's air display over the Bahia de Gijon are underway….. # Powered by Twitter Tools

  • Twitter Updates for 2010-07-22

    .@vsmith1 @Yorkie71 and just for the record the mere thought of @delboycarter as a nurse (male or female) is frankly rather frightening! 😉 # @delboycarter @vsmith1 @Yorkie71 works for me, booze is always medicinal! 😉 in reply to delboycarter # oooopps! Just remember I'd put some beers in the freezer to cool…. # @breadedcod it's…

  • Twitter Updates for 2010-07-21

    morning tweeps! # @stroker LOL! I can see you having some fun with that! 😉 #thisisajoketowindupfriendsinwork in reply to stroker # @delboycarter yes, the rumours have been building over the last few months in reply to delboycarter # @andypiper @andysc what have I missed, why is the HTC Desire obsolete already? I'd heard the Nexus…

  • Twitter Updates for 2010-07-20

    hola tweeps, back at it already, where do the evenings go!? # @TomRaftery nice, @vodafone_es say it's coming end of the month, I'm waiting to see pricing b4 deciding whether to succumb to apple lockin in reply to TomRaftery # Powered by Twitter Tools

  • Twitter Updates for 2010-07-19

    buenos dias tweeps! Already way too many browser tabs (AKA to do items!) open! # @ccwharris nope, no luck opening that page from here # @u235 surely that's tempting fate!? in reply to u235 # @MeganMurray remember what Lem said at #e2conf they're "next practices" now 😉 in reply to MeganMurray # @chrisyeh hey Chris,…

  • Twitter Updates for 2010-07-16

    hola tweeps! it's Friday, so I guess that explains the hectic start to the day, and the rain…. # eeww, didn't need that, a nasty Lotus Notes crash juat as I was in full swing…. grrrr! # time for some cheese on toast me thinks! # Powered by Twitter Tools