
  • Twitter Updates for 2011-03-01

    buenos dias tweeps! chilly wet start to the day here, and I'm now officially into a 3rd month without shifting these bugs….. # My copy of Tom Rath's "Strengths Finder 2.0" turned up yesterday, off to do the test now #strengths #strengthsfinder # Powered by Twitter Tools

  • Twitter Updates for 2011-02-25

    morning tweeps, here I'm busy trying to catch up on goings on before an afternoon of solid calls. Friday #fail # Powered by Twitter Tools

  • Twitter Updates for 2011-02-24

    Enjoyed posting some CSS tips and examples in response to a colleagues enquiry earlier today #therapy # Google Now Offering Google Apps Certification # Powered by Twitter Tools

  • Life’s Change Agent

    This quote (emphasis mine) comes from Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address, and speaks to some core fundamentals of what for me is a big part of “Enterprise 2.0” or “social business”. It’s the hard part, the change. No one wants to die, even people who want to go to Heaven don’t want to die…

  • Twitter Updates for 2011-02-23

    @NigelBarron cheers for the RT dude! appreciated in reply to NigelBarron # Powered by Twitter Tools

  • Twitter Updates for 2011-02-22

    morning tweeps, I'm currently stuck in password reset hell, see you when I make it through # @Yorkie71 I remember visiting #Lancaster castle as a young lad, loads of coats of arms and some interesting history in the dungeons in reply to Yorkie71 # @Yorkie71 np! look fwd to hearing how it goes in reply…