Moving on….

Set Sail
Set Sail by john.puddephatt, on Flickr

After nearly 10 years, last Friday May 10th was my last working day at CSC.

My final week left me somewhat drained emotionally, only heightened by the kind messages of support and best wishes I received from colleagues. Once again, thank you to all I had the opportunity to befriend, work, collaborate, share, discuss, and debate with.

But now feelings of fear and sadness are fading fast, with the excitement at what lies ahead taking over.

I continue to be inspired by the possibilities of reinventing work and how we do business. I have never been more convinced that in order to thrive in today’s connected economy, both as organisations, and as individuals, we must embrace the change surrounding us.

I believe openness, transparency, and creativity are new key currencies. I want to trade in them, and help others do the same.

So it’s on to new adventures, of which more to come. Stay tuned!


7 responses to “Moving on….”

  1. RT @sscullion: Moving on…. Congrats, good luck!

  2. Gracias amigo! RT @NigelBarron: RT @sscullion: Moving on…. Congrats, good luck!

  3. Its been good to have crossed paths while you were with CSC. Wishing you well in the future. Stu

  4. Isabel avatar

    Good luck Simon!

  5. […] sharing my decision to move on to new adventures, I’d left one question unanswered: What’s […]

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