Pattern Finder: So What’s Your Web Site Built With?
Enter the URL for a website, and it tells you what technology the site uses.
BBC NEWS | Technology | Microsoft bows to pressure on XP
Customer demand has forced Microsoft to extend the shelf life of Windows XP by five months. Microsoft was scheduled to stop selling the ..OS.. on 30 January 2008… Now the date … has been lengthened to 30 June 2008.
Amazon Kills DRM And Puts iTunes On Notice – Apple Unvarnished – InformationWeek
Interesting article discussing the new Amazon download service.
DRM troubles drive ex-Microsoft employee to Linux | CNET News.com
A security expert who once worked for Microsoft has said he may dump the company’s Windows Media Center in favor of Ubuntu-affiliated LinuxMCE after struggling with the software giant’s digital-rights management software.
T Shirt Printing – Make your own T shirts : Spreadshirt
Looks interesting, may need to check out!
This looks like it could be a great project at some time in the future…
Something else I need to check out…
links for 2007-10-01
4 responses to “links for 2007-10-01”
I’m also checking fring, ping me if you would like to do some testing.
Hi Vitor, I bookmarked this after seeing your status msg and checking out what it was about!
Thanks for the offer for the testing, I’ll let you know when I get around to it!
BTW, what sort of data transfer does it use, I may need to look at a new tarif, as my current Vodafone package is rather expensive for data.
Thanks for the heads up, I didn’t notice the status msg was different.
I am using it mostly when connected via wireless lan. I suggest you do that at least initially and take a look and the data counters. It seems like it pings home every 3 seconds or so. Just from being online, in 10 minutes it is adding up to about 60Kb. It does drain the battery on my Nokia E61 pretty fast.
Thanks for the info Vitor, will check how much that would cost on my current plan, expensive is my guess!
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