Warning: A bit of a moan ahead……must be the weather! ๐
I have been signed up to coComment for some time now, but to be honest I have never been 100% convinced that coComment actually works as advertised…..
I have had a number of gripes with the way it displays, captures and remembers comments, and as a result, haven’t bothered to integrate with my blog for example. I guess that as a result I am just an occaisional user, rather than a regular one. Latest on my list of issues is the realisation that their extension for Firefox and Flock is not compatible with the latest version, 1.1.1. Big deal you may say, and you have a point, I am a self-confessed occaisional user after all! ๐
But that is precisely my point, these things exist to enable users to get more out of these services, yet this kind of issue is a barrier to adoption, at least in my case. coComment are dedicated to one thing, and need to be on top of their game if they are to succeed in their market. Right now, it seems easier for me to subscribe to an RSS comments feed for a post I want to follow, rather than rely on the coComment service. Thats not a road to success IMHO.
coComment needs to provide a service that works well, and reliably. They need to have extensions and add-ons, but keep them up to date. But above all, they need to be innovating.
My suggestion? Work with the Flock community to integrate coComment directly into their browser.
There are already plenty of other services nicely integrated already, so right now I’m afraid coComment seems to be behind the times.
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