Balancing the use of our time

Balancing the use of our time

Balancing the use of our timeEarlier today I began reading Julien Smith‘s epic post on getting what we want, and whilst I haven’t yet read it all, the following stood out to me:

the way your time should be spent is largely like a pyramid, with a wide base of learning, with a smaller level of acting on top of it, which is directed by the learning, and then on top of that, an even smaller level of writing about it. If you begin to live your life differently than the pyramid should be built, it becomes unbalanced and topples over.

This made a lot of sense to me, and after sharing the thoughts with a colleague, was prompted to put it into a visual.

I’ve interpreted the words “acting” and “writing” as “doing” and “sharing” in an attempt at clarity in case it is taken out of context with Julien’s original explanation

Thanks Julien!


5 responses to “Balancing the use of our time”

  1. so – sharing is not doing then 😉

  2. @Jesper, Ummm, yes, good point!

    I’m most definitely learning as I share and write about this….! Gets confusing pretty quickly, LOL!

    More seriously though, you brought me back to one of my favourite topics of “working out loud”, and made me wonder how that changes the proportions of the pyramid, if at all? Interesting.

  3. Exactly! when working out loud – you share all you learn. if you share less than you learn, you keep/hoard something. Social media blabbering is also sharing, but probably a bit less productive doing…

    So how about
    Learn – Do – Share – Learn – Do – Share – Wax on – Learn – Do – Share – Wax off – Learn – Do – Share – Lather – Rinse – Learn – Do – Share – and repeat

  4. Have you been to the hairdresser this morning Jesper? ;-p

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