A short "Tech Tools update"

I’ve been wanting to write a post on a few of the tools I’ve been using recently for a little while now, so here goes! Hopefully one of my two readers will find it useful interesting!

Windows Live Writer

Back up and running with WLW, though with an older beta copy. The current version uses one of those awful web install routines, and apart from trying to install a load of other stuff rather than what I wanted, it failed. Every time. Why do they have to make it so difficult?

Luckily I had a previous version which was just the standard exe, so back up and running.

Still, like Glen, I need to find a decent Linux blogging client though.

Link: Windows Live Writer download


I’ve been signed up to Facebook for a little while now, and finally uploaded a profile pic! I’m happy to have some friends, and I’ve added a few applications. So far so good!

I do have a few issues with the layout though. For me, it doesn’t make good use of the screen estate with its centered fixed width, but other than that I’m finding it easy enough to use.

I Also added the Facebook extension for Firefox, which lets me login and follow status updates from a toolbar.

Overall Facebook seems like a bit of fun, but I’m not sure how useful it really will be for me over time. I certainly don’t see myself getting “addicted” like it seems others have!

One thing I will say though, I can see this being great within the enterprise, I honestly think I’d get more out of a tool like this at work than I envisage for me personally right now. Thoughts for the Lotus Connections developers maybe!?

Interesting, I’ll keep playing. ๐Ÿ™‚

Links: Facebook, my profile


I had also signed up to Twitter a while back, but a little like with Facebook, I honestly didn’t really “get” it. I understand what it does, its just didn’t see myself getting anything out of it. Again, like with Facebook, I’m making a bit more of an effort, I added my phone and IM details, and we’ll see how we get on. Though I am already finding the SMS messages to my phone when I’m not online a little intrusive! How would I cope with a Blackberry!?

I do actually quite like the Twitter app for Facebook that shows my “tweets” over there, its easier than updating my Facebook status. And I can see it being more fun if some of my family were also twitterers. You listening bro’s!?

Links: Twitter, my tweets


I have resisted up until now to talk about these guys. I signed up just before they released a fairly major “upgrade”, which got a lot of coverage on the blogosphere, but I didn’t want to wade in as a newbie user.

I was able to use their former interface right of the bat, it was easy, and seemed to do “what it said on the tin”. Not so with the new incarnation! They had some serious issues when they rolled out the changes, and to be perfectly honest, the new interface is harder to get around. Worst of all though, and thouroughly frustrating, is that it doesn’t seem to be picking up most of my comments!

These problems are mostly why I have put off implementing it natively here on the blog. Oh, and lack of time! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Lets hope they keep working at it, and things get better.

Link: coComment


I checked this out after seeing a tweet from Luis Suarez, and thought I’d give it a go. It looks promising, I can see it helping get hold of screenshots easier for some blog posts.

Just a shame there is no Linux version ๐Ÿ™

Link: Jing

Disclaimer: This is all my own opinion, and my thoughts are not to be considered recommendations! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Phew, I feel better now!

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5 responses to “A short "Tech Tools update"”

  1. “Still, like Glen, I need to find a decent Linux blogging client though.”

    Er, Notes R.any & the blog template?

  2. Hi Dave, good point! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Though one of my reasons (there are very few!) for staying with wordpress is to keep up with a few things outside the Lotus space, sometimes we have it too easy! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. And I guess you need a server running R7+

    BTW, I’ve been meaning to ask: are you the same Simon Scullion who studied french & spanish at DGSB with me? A-levels in 1989?

  4. The server would help I guess, though there is blog hosting available out there.

    Sounds like that was a different Simon, though with a few similarities! I did a Spanish A-level too, though at evening classes about 5 years ago.

    Its always interesting to hear of others with the same clan name though, its not the most common of surnames!

  5. […] that others had the same solution – using Windows Live Writer. (Note to self – get a message to Simon Scullion about this […]

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