Tag: Tania
Goodbye summer!
So, realising that it has been over three months since I last wrote anything here, and summer is on its way out, what have we been up to!? Good question, but between Tania, work, play, and a week away, the summer has flown by! I now have plenty of catching up to do, photos to…
A few new photos of Tania
Well to tell a lie, they’re not very new, I’ve realised how far behind I have got with all this! Here she is at three months
Tania @ 11 Weeks
Tania was weighed and measured again today, she’s now into week twelve. How time flies! So here is the key data: Weight: 5.15 Kg (a little over 11lbs I think) Height: 59cm! She is still “long” as they say in spanish!
Tania @ 5 weeks
As promised, I’d mention how she measured up. She had her checkup on Jan 10th if I remember correctly, and in good health. She weighed in at 4.11 kg and measured 55.5cm. So nearly 1.2kg and 6cm in 5 weeks! Apparently she’s going to be tall and have blue eyes, like her Dad!
Tania Scullion Caballero
We’re a bit late in getting the details to you, but here are Tania’s key data: Born: December 6th 2005 Weight: 3.05 kg (just under 7lb I think) Measured: 49.5 cm That was quite a while ago now, will dig out the report from her checkup at 5 weeks.