Twitter Updates for 2008-11-06

  • mornin’ tweeps! feeling a little rough this morning, could be another cold coming on…oh well on with meeting prep we go, oh, and more cafe #
  • @virgindotcom nice to have you following! I came via the news on the latest record attempt. Always up for freebies! #
  • @andysc I *still* haven’t managed to plug my #viglen #mpcl in!! Its sat begging me to unbox! lol! #
  • @verowhite Amazon por España!? no tenia ni idea!! ojala que vienen pronto! #
  • @pgrove Congrats on the new role Phil! look forward to hearing what its all about! #
  • @kavit27 be sure to let us know how you get on with CCH1 for Notes 8.0.2! Are there any release notes out there with it? #

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