
  • For “outside-in” thinking to really take off…

    Just an observation to wrap up the week: For “outside-in” client-centric thinking to really take off, procurement processes need a major rethink! Remove the barriers. Let your partners reach you, help them help you. Time to kill off the RFP! 😉

  • Social Business is growing up.

    Starting on a tangent… One of the beauties of the written word, particularly in digital format, is that it cannot be “worn out” in the physical sense which makes me think that overuse is the digital equivalent where we become desensitised to the significance and numb to the meaning being conveyed. At the current rate,…

  • Getting hands-on with online education – A Crash Course on Creativity

    Getting hands-on with online education – A Crash Course on Creativity

    I’ve been following the developments in the online education space with increasing interest over the last year or so, with the available options and choice growing seemingly by the day. The likes of Coursera, Venture Lab, and Udacity now have an impressive selection of courses, across the full range of the sciences, technology, arts and…

  • A serious side to industry incumbents and their inability to innovate

    This past weekend, returning home from a trip to London with friends, on a whim I bought a copy of  November’s Practical Boat Owner (PBO) magazine, looking forward to some interesting boating reading in-flight. So it turned out, but what I didn’t expect was for it to provide blogging material on the topic of industry incumbents…

  • Communications Effort vs. Working Openly

    Communications Effort vs. Working Openly

    Just had a great conversation that prompted me to have a go at drawing a diagram to visually explain my point, and illustrate some of the implied benefits…. Reactions anyone?    

  • Not-so-random good stuff

    For a friend. Interesting video this on learning from artists about career progress: The Art of Career Development Part 1 of a series from the excellent (IMO) Steve Denning- read them all – about how agility is important, and what is needed to make it work Stanford online creativity course I’ve enrolled in…