
  • Twitter Updates for 2011-02-01

    Eeeck! my tweet stream is full of #ls11 I must be following a heap of yellow-bleeders! 😉 Miss you guys, have a great time down there! # had to turn off streaming updates in @TweetDeck thanks to the noisey lot down at #ls11 😉 # @monkchips yes we do #ls11 in reply to monkchips #…

  • Twitter Updates for 2011-01-29

    @NigelBarron enjoy the concert chap, look forward to your account when you get back in reply to NigelBarron # Powered by Twitter Tools

  • Twitter Updates for 2011-01-27

    been productive head down all morning, just grabbed some lunch and now into the first of a full afternoon of calls…. # Powered by Twitter Tools

  • Twitter Updates for 2011-01-26

    on a call looking at a prediction market solution, interesting stuff # Listening to CSC's @DougNeal give a talk on "Consumerization, Mobility and the Cloud", some of my favourite topics! # so what's with this "Instant personalization" lark on Facebook then? More new defaults set to on without us knowing? #privacy # Powered by Twitter…

  • Uncertain, Yet Exciting Times

    Uncertain, Yet Exciting Times

    Photo Credit: Ironclad HMS Warrior engine crankshaft by Elsie esq. Friend and colleague @NigelBarron earlier today passed me this post from Don Tapscott of Macrowikinomics fame: Davos: New Realities and Managing New Global Risks – Don Tapscott, which contains this inspirational line: the industrial age is finally coming to an end and to achieve economic…

  • New Year’s Non-resolutions

    New Year’s Non-resolutions

    Photo Credit: Tapping a Pencil by Rennett Stowe First of all, a belated “Happy New Year” to you all! I’m not a big maker of New Year’s resolutions, never have been. Not that I haven’t made resolutions, or attempted to make a personal commitment or an effort to change something, just that I tend not…