
  • Twitter Updates for 2011-02-19

    @SteveRichards yes, I learnt a lot reading up on GI & related nutrition stuff, so far the family are along for the ride re changes in diet! in reply to SteveRichards # Powered by Twitter Tools

  • Twitter Updates for 2011-02-18

    RT @bduperrin: I saw the future of analytics last night, and that future was fast. #ibmwatson # Watching the @TEDtalks on the success of #ibmwatson which I missed earlier # might take me a while to get to sleep tonight, mind is overclocking thinking of the implications of a world with #ibmwatson #…

  • Twitter Updates for 2011-02-17

    @cscspain it works! 😉 in reply to cscspain # Morning tweeps, lots on both my plate and my mind today, need to ensure it's converted into something tangible! # taking a look at with a couple of colleagues # taking a look at Thinking Worlds with a couple of colleagues # Powered by…

  • Twitter Updates for 2011-02-16

    bummed I can't raise my brother on skype to wish him happy birthday! # @AlbertoDiazAlo hola dude! gracias por el "follow", todo bien aqui, and you? in reply to AlbertoDiazAlo # Powered by Twitter Tools

  • Twitter Updates for 2011-02-15

    another reason to love @spotify – see what music is going viral # Powered by Twitter Tools

  • Twitter Updates for 2011-02-12

    @Yorkie71 Yes, the #PinkFloyd RPO stuff is great, had The RPO on for most of the day actually, enjoyed it in reply to Yorkie71 # RT @smithh: BogusTech (with thanks to my colleagues at CSC for finding this) < perfect for a Friday! LOL! # Powered by Twitter Tools