Ideation | Maximizer | Futuristic | Strategic | Activator
Intranet Level-Upper
Question everything – but with an open mind
Community builder. Reinventor. Learner. Sailor. Dad.
I can always be set off on a good rant about how openness and transparency are going to make the world a better place, and how I want to be part of making that happen.
I’ll often be heard banging on about embracing the change and uncertainty around us, or rambling about leveraging our networks, building a reputation, and “working out loud”.
I find public speaking is a fun challenge, must be mad!
I have been passionately driving the adoption of collaborative behaviour and social business concepts in a large global organisation for the last five years.
I thrive in environments where those around me share my levels of passion and enthusiasm. Where questioning the status quo and asking “why?” is not just expected but welcomed. Where I’m challenged to bring out my creative side.
I like my gadgets, but have my budget controlled by external forces…
When able to escape to the real world, I have a sailing habit.
The content is my own, and the views and opinions personal unless stated otherwise.
In no way is anything on this site to be considered as an opinion, position, or strategy of my businesses or employers, past, present or future.
I have decided to license my blog’s content under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Comments are the opinions of their respective authors.
I may not necessarily agree.
I may moderate comments as I see appropriate in order to maintain the content within my view of good taste, however I hope this will not be necessary and will attempt to indicate if and where it happens.